Copay For Ct Scan

MRI, MRA, CT Scan $125 PET and combined PET/CT $225 Interventional Radiology and Diagnostic Radiology Services only performed in a hospital outpatient setting (procedures done under anesthesia that are image-based) $250 Dialysis $0 No coinsurance 100% of allowable charges No maximum benefit No other information. Physical Therapy (after discharge. Mammogram; Our low affordable rates are available at any participating imaging centers when appointments are scheduled through the program. There is no fee to use the program. The program is intended to assist the under-insured control the cost of imaging in their time of need. Payment responsibility. Nearly everyone who has a CT scan will have to pay some of the cost out-of-pocket. Uninsured patients will be responsible for the total cost of their procedure. Patients who do have health insurance will be responsible for paying their deductible, copay, and coinsurance amounts.

CT Prices on Average

CT (also called CAT) scans can range from $270 to $4,800 depending on what type of CT scan is performed, the location you choose to have the procedure performed, and whether you add additional services.

Copay For Ct ScanCopay for ct scan

The average cost of a CT scan in the U.S. is $1,694.

Additional prices can be added to the initial CT procedure being performed as well, including if your doctor recommends additional testing or treatment.

CT Prices with Cash

For uninsured customers, many testing facilities offer a 15% - 40% discount when cash or credit is used to pay the full discounted amount within 60 days of the procedure.

The average CT scan price without insurance can range from $1,016 to $1,440.

Again, this can drastically change depending on where you go and what kind of discount they are willing to provide you for paying up front.

CT Prices with Insurance

Most insurance companies will reimburse the cost of getting a CT scan. Typically when a medical professional requests a CT scan, the procedure is automatically reimbursable depending on your insurance plan. If it is not fully covered, many insurance companies will cover some of the expense. Visit your insurance company’s website and/or contact them directly to figure out what is covered prior to the procedure. A good imaging facility can help you determine this with your insurance company as well.

CT Prices with Medicare


Medicare Part B covers diagnostic non-laboratory tests including CT scans when your doctor or other health care provider orders them as part of treating a medical problem. All people with Part B are covered, but deductible and copayment may apply. Cash pay price varies for those only covered under Part A. Visit the Medicare website for more information (

CT Prices with Medicaid


Copay For Ct Scan


States establish and administer their own Medicaid programs and determine which services are included within broad federal guidelines. The required mandatory benefits include performing diagnostic tests to follow up when a risk is identified. The optional benefits include other diagnostic, screening, preventive and rehabilitative services, which means it is going to vary from place to place whether or not the procedure is covered. It is strongly advised to determine your coverage based on the state you live in, prior to getting the procedure done. Visit the Medicaid website for more information (

Tricare Copay For Ct Scan

Medicare Copay For Ct Scan

Basic Option
Preventive Care Nothing for covered preventive screenings, immunizations and services
Physician Care

$30 for primary care1
$40 for specialists1

Virtual doctor visits by Teladoc®

$0 for first 2 visits
$15 all additional visits

Urgent Care Center $35 copay
Prescription Drugs Preferred Retail Pharmacy:
Tier 1 (Generics): $10 copay
Tier 2 (Preferred brand): $55 copay2
Tier 3 (Non-preferred brand): 60% of our allowance ($75 minimum)2
Tier 4 (Preferred specialty): $65 copay2
Tier 5 (Non-preferred specialty): $90 copay2
Mail Service Pharmacy:
Available to members with Medicare Part B primary only. Visit the Medicare page for more information.
Tier 1 (Generics): $20
Tier 2 (Preferred brand): $100 copay
Tier 3 (Non-preferred brand): $125 copay
Specialty Pharmacy:
Tier 4 (Preferred specialty): $85 copay2
Tier 5 (Non-preferred specialty): $110 copay2
Maternity Care $175 inpatient
$0 outpatient
Hospital Care

Inpatient (Precertification is required): $175 per day; up to $875 per admission

Outpatient: $100 per day per facility1


$150 in an office setting1

$200 in a non-office setting1

ER (accidental injury)

$175 per day per facility

ER (medical emergency)

$175 per day per facility

Lab work (such as blood tests) $0 copay1
Diagnostic services
(such as sleep studies, CT scans)

Up to $100 in an office1

Up to $150 in a hospital1

Chiropractic Care $30 per treatment; up to 20 visits per year
Dental Care $30 copay per evaluation; up to 2 per year
Rewards Program

Earn $50 for completing the Blue Health Assessment3

Earn up to $120 for completing three eligible Online Health Coach goals3