Anydesk Win32_10060

  1. Anydesk Error Win32_10060
  2. Anydesk Win32_10060
  3. Anydesk Status Win32_10060

This article provides help to fix Winsock timeout errors that occur on slow, congested, or high latency Internet links with Microsoft Proxy Server or ISA Server.

Original product version: Windows 10 - all editions
Original KB number: 191143

Anydesk error win32_10060

AnyDesk ensures secure and reliable remote desktop connections for IT professionals and on-the-go individuals alike. Start your 14 day trial today. Work from Home Learn more. 300+ million downloads worldwide. 400+ million sessions per month. This video describes the easy steps to open an AnyDesk session. A Firebird Win32 Error 10060 error code 'anydesk' 'could Not Connect' immediately follow a previous improper shutdown and recent virus or malware infection recovery. Manufacturers and developers of software apps and hardware drivers is Win32 10060 error message? Discover AnyDesk, the secure & intuitive remote desktop software, and take advantage of the application's innovative features! I have a problem Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Alerts. Reported Problems. Uptime last 24 hours. Uptime Downtime. One last thing - if you can't connect to a computer that has AnyDesk installed on it, and a message appears saying 'session closed' after timing out with error code win3210060, a complete uninstall of AnyDesk needs to be done on the machine you can't connect to using a program like Revo Uninstaller or IOBit Uninstaller, then reinstall AnyDesk.

Anydesk Win32_10060


Winsock timeout errors may occur on slow, congested, or high latency Internet links with Microsoft Proxy Server or ISA Server. The following Winsock error Message appears on the client Web browser:

Proxy Reports:
10060 Connection timed out

The Web server specified in your URL could not be contacted. Please check your URL or try your request again.

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A timeout error may also occur when connecting to an Internet server that does not exist or if there is more than one default gateway on the Proxy Server computer.


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This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows.

Adjusting the following TCP/IP setting by adding a subkey in the registry should reduce the number of timeouts by allowing more time for the connection to complete. This setting is not present in the registry by default.

  1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) and go to the following subkey:

  2. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following information:

    • Value name: TcpMaxDataRetransmissions
    • Value type: REG_DWORD - Number
    • Valid range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
    • Default value: 5 Decimal
    • New value: 10 Decimal
  3. Click OK, and then quit Registry Editor.

  4. Reboot after registry change has been made.

Anydesk Error Win32_10060

Anydesk win32 error 10060 fix

More information

Anydesk Win32_10060

The TcpMaxDataRetransmissions parameter controls the number of times TCP retransmits an individual data segment (non-connect segment) before ending the connection. The retransmission timeout is doubled with each successive retransmission on a connection. It is reset when responses resume. The base timeout value is dynamically determined by the measured round-trip time on the connection.

The default value for this registry entry is 5; double this value to 10 (Decimal) (see step 2 above). If connection timeouts still occur, try doubling the value again to 20 (Decimal).

Anydesk Status Win32_10060


This registry entry may only reduce the number of connection timeout errors that occur. Changes to your Internet connection or router may have to be made to completely resolve the problem.