Sonarlint Visual Studio 2019

PVS-Studio is a tool for detecting bugs and security weaknesses in the source code of. SonarLint is integrated with Microsoft Code Analysis framework, so rules for C# and VB.NET can be fine-tuned in the. Ruleset file used by your project. The set of active rules can also be tuned for JavaScript, C and C. Find logs if you need them In the Output panel, show output from SonarLint. Sonarlint not highlighting issues in Visual Studio Enterprise 2019. I've installed the Sonarlint extension in the Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 and restarted it and then it is not highlighting any issues in the project. Sonarlint with the standalone mode. Here is the settings and has nothing. SonarLint是eclipse的一个代码质量检查的工具,功能非常强大,可以让我们的代码写的更加规范,并且能检查一部分代码逻辑的错误 安装SonarLint 安装非常简单,直接去eclipse的Eclipse Marketplace,搜索SonarLint,安装。.

  1. Run Sonarlint In Visual Studio 2019
  2. Sonarlint Integration With Visual Studio 2019
  3. Sonarlint For Visual Studio 2019
  4. Sonarlint Visual Studio 2019 Configuration
Jun 22, 2019Sonarlint

Visual-studio-2019 sonarlint sonarlint-vs. Follow asked Mar 24 at 13:33. Arjun D Nair Arjun D Nair. 35 8 8 bronze badges. Add a comment 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes. Since specification for each.

Tags: VisualStudio StaticCodeAnalysis

Static code analysis analyzes your source code or compiled DLL files for certain patterns or filenames. There are several code analyzers available for C# in Visual Studio and/or Azure DevOps. These code analyzers improve consistency, prevent technical debt and prevent security issues.

The older Code Analysis features in Visual Studio (Analyze > Run Code Analysis option) and Project properties (Code Analysis tab) are marked as deprecated and will not be covered in this post.

Table of contents:

Visual Studio built-in analyzers

The Visual Studio compiler (Roslyn) already has some built-in analyzer rules. When loading a project (like the eShopOnWeb reference implementation) and opening a file, the analyzers installed in Visual Studio will analyze the file and show any error, warning or information message in the Visual Studio error list window.

By default, Visual Studio will only contain some analyzers for code styling that output as information messages. You can edit the default code analyzer rules in the Visual Studio options via:

Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Code Style


The severity of the ruleset can be changed in this options window: Tenu le ke jana song mp3 free download.

By default, it only analyzes the open file but you can enable solution-wide analysis in the Visual Studio options to asynchronously analyze the entire solution. This option is found via:

Run Sonarlint In Visual Studio 2019

Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced > Enable full solution analysis

If you use Visual Studio 2019 and you have set rules resulting in errors or warnings, you will also see a counter at the bottom of the file alerting you to issues in the files. There are also the colored squiggly lines in the text editor below the statement that may have and issue. There are colored blocks in the scrollbar of the text editor indicating where the issues are located in a file. And if you have the Productivity Power Tools extension installed the Solution Error Visualization will show the same colored squiggly lines in the Solution Explorer window below filenames that have issues.

I have marked all visual indicators for errors and or warnings in the screenshot below:


For extra code analysis, I use the SonarLint extension in Visual Studio. This extension loads extra code analysis rules for several categories (code smells, bugs and security issues). For the full list see the SonarSource rules pages. Rules from SonarLint can be identified by the S prefix in the Error list window.

You can use a .ruleset file in your project to disable or change the default severities or disable warnings for the default rules. See the Microsoft Docs page for adding ruleset files for more instructions.

When using SonarLint, I usually enable the category column in my error list window to triage the warnings shown. You can right-click the error list window and use the option Show Columns > Category to add it.


The SonarLint extension also enables integration with a SonarQube server. SonarQube is open source static code analysis platform that can integrate with Visual Studio and with Azure DevOps. SonarQube can be used to define a ruleset that all team members can download into new or existing projects. SonarQube (when integrating with Azure DevOps) can also provide code coverage metrics and code duplication analysis. It can also provide insight into the number of issues over time and provides a technical debt score for a solution. You can also fail a build if your solution does not meet a configured quality gate. SonarQube is great in providing code analysis and related dashboards especially when working with a team on a code project. See the SonarQube website for all the features and installation instructions.

Security Code Scan

Security Code Scan is a static analyzer extension focusing on security issues in your code. It checks for patterns that indicate SQL injection or XSS vulnerabilities in your code and several other issues that are defined by OWASP as security issues.

After installing the extension (and enabling full solution-wide analysis) the warnings from Security Code Scan are listed with the prefix SCS.


Audit.NET is an extension for Visual Studio that scans your package.config file and compares the package references against several public databases containing known vulnerabilities. Any issues with packages are shown in the Error window as errors. These errors are not blocking and will not result prevent you from building, debugging or running your solutions.

At the time of this writing, the extension can analyze .NET Core projects (and the new package references) but it does not seem to properly show the current issues in the error window.

WhiteSource Bolt

WhiteSoure Bolt is the free version of WhiteSource and can be integrated with Azure DevOps. The free version can be used in a commercial environment but beware of the terms of service data and usage policies as it does send and store metadata and file hashes to WhiteSource hosted in America. This may be an issue in certain corporate environments (especially in Europe).

WhiteSource Bolt analyzes your project and will report on NuGet packages or included DLL files with known vulnerabilities. It will also give you an overview of all used 3rd party components and their licenses.

See the Azure DevOps labs last step of the Trigger a build section for screenshots of the report for a build.

In this article, we will learn to Configure sonarLint in IDE, identify and fix quality gaps, and improve our Code Quality With Sonarlint.

Oops!! how could I missed it!!
this is the spontaneous reaction generally developer had when a quality/security report generates and they got lots of bugs related to quality gaps. Sometimes it is so embarrassing to have such silly mistakes.

Quality and secure delivery is the key to success for developers but it happens as most of the time developer do code with a constructive mindset. So, what is the way out of it!!

Improve Code Quality With SonarLint

Sonarlint Integration With Visual Studio 2019

Plugin “SonarLint” for IDE which does static analysis and finds out bugs at the compile-time level. A developer gets early feedback on code and fixes it before check-in to the code repository.

SonarLint works offline and detects quality issues spontaneously that help to act proactively.

The quality control mechanism of SonarLint supports all necessary and required rule database. Suggestions and bug descriptions are very meaningful. Certainly, it will help a developer to increase the code quality and decrease the review effort of a reviewer.

As per a survey, early detection tools can improve code quality by 65%.

Salient features and requirements of SonarLint:

  • It requires version Java 8.
  • Analyze code with a rich rule set and description to detect vulnerabilities in early development time.
  • It lets you analyze bugs and code leaks on the fly basis.
  • SonarLint works offline just as another plugin in IDE.
  • In connected mode, it supports Sonarqube Server (Version needed >=5.6) as well.
  • Levels of severity: critical, blocker, major, minor, info.
  • It supports Java, JS, PHP, and Python code.
  • In IDE perspective, it supports IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio, VS Code and Atom.

Ways to configure it:

Here we are taking Eclipse as an IDE to demonstrate the configurations.

There are generally two ways to install it in the local eclipse IDE. The SonarLint plugin is available in the Eclipse marketplace, search sonarLint here: Help->Eclipse marketplace (recommended)

Then follow the installation instructions to get a SonarLint plugin.

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  1. By update sites, You can also download it directly from here and install it as Help->Install new software->add -> Archive as shown in below.

After installation, a process will enable the standard ruleset to analyze quality gaps. it is very simple to integrate and use.


The code analysis process is just right-clicking away on a project. Click on sonarLint -> analyze, it will analyze the code against rule database and generate a report on the fly.

Go to the Window-> Show View-> select sonarLint view, to get the detailed information of bug detected.

Below snapshot is to show an example of its usage and behavior in a java code snippet. Here we have taken a simple class and intentionally wrote the code with several bugs.

After code analysis, it will detail out all the findings in the SonarLint report view. A blue line in the code editor indicates the sonarLint findings.


Sonarlint For Visual Studio 2019

At the end of this article, it is expected that the developer can configure sonarLint in IDE, and further to this SonarLint plugin will help to identify and fix the code quality gaps in the very early development stage.

For more information please refer here Official Plugin Page

Sonarlint Visual Studio 2019 Configuration

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