Markdown In Teams

Jan 13, 2021 Approvals in Microsoft Teams enables everyone, from frontline workers to corporate headquarters employees, to easily create, manage, and share approvals directly from your hub for teamwork. Approvals in Teams is currently rolling out and should be generally available by mid-January. Once the Approva. Qiita Teams that are logged in. You are not logged in to any team. MarkDown文書の改ページしたい行に下記のcssコードを挿入して PDFへ.


This article teaches you how to use Markdown syntax to add rich formatting to your approval requests.


  • Approval request emails are actionable messages. If your Microsoft Outlook client doesn't support actionable messages, it displays approval requests in HTML format.
  • All Markdown renderers have implementation differences. Review the Client Support section for details.
  • Markdown is not currently supported for the Approvals app on Microsoft Teams.
  • Markdown is not currently supported for GCC and GCC High customers.

Client Support

Markdown support among clients is inconsistent. The Power Automate team works to address these inconsistencies, however, inconsistencies remain. The following table lays out the known limitations among the supported clients.

FeaturePower AutomatePower Automate mobile appOutlook desktopOutlook WebTeamsTeams mobile appApprovals Teams App
Numbered ListsYesYesNoYesYesYesNo
Nested Numbered ListsYesYesNoYesYesYesNo
Forced Line BreaksYesYesNo (use a blank line instead)YesYesYesNo
Blank LinesNoNoYesYesNoYesNo


Markdown In Teams

For Outlook Mobile, the previous parameters can vary depending on the Outlook client app and version that you are using.


Structure your comments using headers. Headers segment longer comments, making them easier to read.

Start a line with a hash character # to set a heading. Organize your remarks with subheadings by starting a line with additional hash characters, for example ####. Up to six levels of headings are supported.



Paragraphs and line breaks

Make your text easier to read by breaking it up with paragraphs or line breaks. Enter two spaces prior to the line break to force most clients to start a new line.


Result:This is line 1.
Now text will appear on the next line.

Example 2

This is line 1.

Line 2 has extra space before it.


Markdown in teams tutorial

Organize related items with lists. You can add ordered lists with numbers, or unordered lists with just bullets.

Ordered lists start with a number followed by a period for each list item. Unordered lists start with a *. Begin each list item on a new line. In a Markdown file or widget, enter two spaces prior to the line break to begin a new paragraph, or enter two line breaks consecutively to begin a new paragraph.

Ordered or numbered lists


Markdown In Teams In Project Management


  1. First item.
  2. Second item.
  3. Third item.
Markdown in teams using

Bullet lists



  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Nested lists



  1. First item.

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
  2. Second item.

    • Nested item 1
    • Nested item 2
    • Nested item 3


HTTP and HTTPS URLs are automatically formatted as links.

You can set text hyperlinks for your URL using the standard markdown link syntax:


Power Automate


Organize structured data with tables.

  • Place each table row on its own line
  • Separate table cells using the pipe character |
  • The first two lines of a table set the column headers and the alignment of elements in the table
  • Use colons (:) when dividing the header and body of tables to specify column alignment (left, center, right)
  • To start a new line, use the HTML break tag (<br/>)
  • Make sure to end each row with a CR or LF.



Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3
Cell A1Cell A2Cell A3
Cell B1Cell B2Cell B3
second line of text

Emphasis (bold, italics, strikethrough)

You can emphasize text by applying bold, italics, or strikethrough to characters:

  • To apply italics: surround the text with an asterisk * or underscore _
  • To apply bold: surround the text with double asterisks **.
  • To apply strikethrough: surround the text with double tilde characters ~~.

Combine these elements to apply multiple emphasis to text.

Markdown In Teams Chat


Use emphasis in comments to express strong opinions and point out corrections
Bold, italicized text
Bold, strike-through text

Special characters


To insert one of the following characters, prefix with a backslash:

``` backslash ```

` `backtick`

```_ underscore ```

```{} curly braces ```

```[] square brackets ```

```() parentheses ```

```# hash mark ```

```+ plus sign ```

```- minus sign (hyphen) ```

Will My Deductible Be My Only Out-Of-Pocket Health Insurance Expense? Most health insurance plans have a deductible, coinsurance, and copays. Coinsurance is the percentage that you pay for a medical service vs. The percentage that your insurance company pays. If your coinsurance is 70/30, this means that you are responsible for paying 30 percent of your total medical bill and your insurance. No deductible no copay health insurance policy.

```. dot ```

```! exclamation mark ```

Some examples on inserting special characters

Enter `````` to get

Enter ```_``` to get _

Enter ```#``` to get #

Enter ```(``` to get (

Enter ```.``` to get .

Enter ```!``` to get !

Markdown In Teams Chat


Can you tell us about your documentation language preferences? Take a short survey.

The survey will take about seven minutes. No personal data is collected (privacy statement).