DevCleaner For Xcode

  1. Adwcleaner For Xcode Download
  2. Adwcleaner For Xcode Windows 10

Xcode is pretty much cluttering up the Mac with all sorts of junk. Every iOS developer knows this. But there are a huge number of third-party applications that help clean up unnecessary garbage, old archives of apps and old operation systems (iOS, watchOS, tvOS).

DevCleaner For Xcode

But with the release of macOS Big Sur, this was no longer necessary. If you are a developer, just type “storage management” in Spotlight. Or:

🍎 > About This Mac > Storage > Manage

So then you will see all the junk that you now have on your Mac from Xcode. Of course, the most basic junk is:

Xcode could store tens of gigabytes in /Library/Developer folder. Most of those cached files & symbols are not reclaimed over time and could consume a large amount of your storage, which is especially important if you have relatively small SSD drive. DevCleaner gives you an easy way to inspect auto-generated files and clean them if necessary.

DevCleaner For Xcode

You also can easily remove the previous iOS, watchOS and tvOS. But don’t uninstall the most recent operation systems because you’ll need it to test your applications.

Before macOS Big Sur came out, I always used DevCleaner and Startup Disk Full Fixer. The first application allows you to clean up outdated operating systems, Derived Data and Archives of development applications.

  1. In a nutshell, if you are a developer who uses Xcode on a daily basis, and you find that your hard drive has less and less free disk space without an apparent reason, you may want to give.
  2. Xcode could store tens of gigabytes in /Library/Developer folder. Most of those cached files & symbols are not reclaimed over time and could consume a large amount of your storage, which is especially important if you have a relatively small SSD drive. DevCleaner gives you an easy way to inspect auto-generated files and clean them if necessary.
  3. I already wrote about how I freed up a lot of space on my Mac by clearing the Xcode cache. There is even a special program DevCleaner for Xcode, which I use now.DevCleaner for Xcode, which I use now.
  4. Cleaning up your Xcode developer files using DevCleaner. Do know that this app will delete all your old iOS versions by default. In my case, for example, it selected all iOS 11 and 12 device support files leaving me with device support for only iOS 13. This is obviously not what you want. Therefore, go through the selection and adjust to your.

The second application clears partially Xcode cache and Derived Data altogether. At the same time, clearing the cache from many other applications. This app is really useful and totally for free.

Take a look at the screenshot below. Derived Data is not visible after all cleansing through Storage Management. But still exists in DevCleaner and Startup Disk Full Fixer.

Therefore, personally, I keep Startup Disk Full Fixer which cleans up junk from many other applications (not only Xcode as you can see it from screenshot), but uninstall DevCleaner. This app served me faithfully. I even sent a donation to the developer last year. But clock is ticking and technologies are moving.

April 29th, 2020

DevCleaner For Xcode

Filed under: Xcode | Be the first to comment!

People constantly post on Apple’s developer forums complaining that when they try to install Xcode, an alert opens saying they don’t have enough disk space to install it. These people always say they have enough space because they have more free space on their disk than the Xcode download. Usually the person asking the question has 15–20 GB of free space on their startup disk.

You Need More Free Space Than the Download Size

Adwcleaner For Xcode Download

The Xcode file that you download is a compressed file. You need enough disk space to store both the compressed file you downloaded and the expanded file. Suppose your Xcode download is 8 GB. The expanded file is going to be bigger than that. Xcode 11.4.1 takes up 17.39 GB on my Mac. At this point you need 25.39 GB of free space. Add in some temporary storage space for swapping files, and you need a minimum of 30 GB of disk space to install Xcode.

30 GB of disk space is just an example. That may not be enough free space, especially for newer Xcode versions. Xcode releases keep getting larger over time so the amount of free disk space you need will increase as well.


If an alert opens saying you don’t have enough space to install Xcode, you don’t. Have enough free disk space that is at least 5 times the size of the compressed Xcode file you are going to download from Apple. I know that can be hard to do, especially if you are using a laptop with a 128 GB SSD, but you have to free up the space.

Adwcleaner For Xcode Windows 10

The app DevCleaner for Xcode can free up gigabytes of disk space by removing caches and other old files that accumulate over time.