Openssh Password

OpenSSH implements a SFTP client and server. A file format for public keys is specified in the publickeyfile draft. The command ssh-keygen(1) can be used to convert an OpenSSH public key to this file format. The Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange allows clients to request more secure groups for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. ATTENTION In order to allow using one time passwords (OTPs) and any other text input, Keyboard-interactive is enabled in OpenSSH. This MAY allow for password authentication to work. It is therefore very important to check your PAM configuration so that PAM disallow password authentication for OpenSSH. OpenSSH 6.3+ (default) File: /etc/ssh/sshd. I do not want to start ssh-agent and ssh-add as described here to manage my ssh keys for password less login. How do I install keychain software to manage my keys running on a Debian or Ubuntu based cloud server? OpenSSH offers RSA and DSA authentication to remote systems without supplying a password. Keychain is a manager for ssh-agent.


适用于 Windows Server 2019、Windows 10Applies to Windows Server 2019, Windows 10

Openssl aes-256-cbc -in somefile.enc -out somefile.unenc -d. This then prompts for the pass key for decryption. I searched the openssl documents and the interwebs to try and find the answer if I simply wanted to give the password to the command without trying to echo the password to the file. To enable SSH password authentication, you must SSH in as root to edit this file: /etc/ssh/sshdconfig. Then, change the line. PasswordAuthentication no. PasswordAuthentication yes. After making that change, restart the SSH service by running the following command as root: sudo service ssh restart Enable Logging In as root.

OpenSSH 是一款用于远程登录的连接工具,它使用 SSH 协议。OpenSSH is a connectivity tool for remote login that uses the SSH protocol.它会加密客户端与服务器之间的所有流量,从而遏止窃听、连接劫持和其他攻击。It encrypts all traffic between client and server to eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks.

OpenSSH 可用于将 Window 10 客户端连接到 Windows Server 2019。OpenSSH can be used to connect Window 10 clients to Windows Server 2019.OpenSSH 客户端可安装到 Windows 10 版本 1809 及更高版本上,而 OpenSSH 服务器可安装在 Windows Server 2019 及更高版本上。OpenSSH Client is available to install on Windows 10 build 1809 and later, while OpenSSH Server is available to install on Windows Server 2019 and later.


如果你是从 GitHub 存储库 (PowerShell/openssh-portable) 下载的 OpenSSH,请按照该网页中列出的说明操作,而不是遵照本文列出的说明。If you downloaded OpenSSH from the GitHub repo at PowerShell/openssh-portable, follow the instructions listed there, not the ones in this article.

Openssh Password Authentication

使用 Windows 设置来安装 OpenSSHInstall OpenSSH using Windows Settings


这两个 OpenSSH 组件都可使用 Windows 设置进行安装。Both OpenSSH components can be installed using Windows Settings.OpenSSH 服务器安装在 Windows Server 上,OpenSSH 客户端安装在 Windows 10 设备上。OpenSSH Server is installed on Windows Server and OpenSSH Client is installed on Windows 10 devices.

若要安装 OpenSSH 组件:To install the OpenSSH components:

  1. 打开“设置”,选择“应用”>“应用和功能”,然后选择“可选功能” 。Open Settings, select Apps > Apps & Features, then select Optional Features.

  2. 扫描列表,查看是否已安装 OpenSSH。Scan the list to see if the OpenSSH is already installed.如果未安装,请在页面顶部选择“添加功能”,然后:If not, at the top of the page, select Add a feature, then:

    • 在 Windows 10 上,查找“OpenSSH 客户端”,再单击“安装” On Windows 10, find OpenSSH Client, then click Install
    • 在 Windows Server 2019 上,查找“OpenSSH 服务器”,再单击“安装” On Windows Server 2019, find OpenSSH Server, then click Install

设置完成后,回到“应用”>“应用和功能”和“可选功能”,你应会看到已列出 OpenSSH 。Once setup completes, return to Apps > Apps & Features and Optional Features and you should see OpenSSH listed.


安装 OpenSSH 服务器将创建并启用一个名为 OpenSSH-Server-In-TCP 的防火墙规则。Installing OpenSSH Server will create and enable a firewall rule named OpenSSH-Server-In-TCP.这允许端口 22 上的入站 SSH 流量。This allows inbound SSH traffic on port 22.如果未启用此规则且未打开此端口,那么连接将被拒绝或重置。If this rule is not enabled and this port is not open, connections will be refused or reset.

使用 PowerShell 安装 OpenSSHInstall OpenSSH using PowerShell

若要使用 PowerShell 安装 OpenSSH,请先以管理员身份运行 PowerShell。To install OpenSSH using PowerShell, run PowerShell as an Administrator.为了确保 OpenSSH 可用,请运行以下 cmdlet:To make sure that OpenSSH is available, run the following cmdlet:

这应会返回以下输出:This should return the following output:

然后,根据需要安装服务器或客户端组件:Then, install the server or client components as needed:

这两者应该都会返回以下输出:Both of these should return the following output:


启动并配置 SSH 服务器Start and configure SSH Server

若要启动和配置 OpenSSH 服务器来开启使用,请以管理员身份打开 PowerShell,然后运行以下命令来启动 SSHD serviceTo start and configure OpenSSH server for initial use, open PowerShell as an administrator, then run the following commands to start the SSHD service:

连接到 SSH 服务器Connect to SSH Server

Openssh Password File

安装后,可从使用 PowerShell 安装了 SSH 客户端的 Windows 10 设备连接到 OpenSSH 服务器,如下所示。Once installed, you can connect to OpenSSH Server from a Windows 10 device with the SSH client installed using PowerShell as follows.请务必以管理员身份运行 PowerShell:Be sure to run PowerShell as an administrator:

连接后,会收到如下所示的消息:Once connected, you get a message similar to the following:

选择“是”后,该服务器会添加到包含 Windows 客户端上的已知 ssh 主机的列表中。Selecting yes adds that server to the list of known ssh hosts on your Windows client.


系统此时会提示你输入密码。You are prompted for the password at this point.作为安全预防措施,密码在键入的过程中不会显示。As a security precaution, your password will not be displayed as you type.

连接后,你将看到 Windows 命令行界面提示符:Once connected, you will see the Windows command shell prompt:

使用 Windows 设置来卸载 OpenSSHUninstall OpenSSH using Windows Settings

Ssh Connect With Password

若要使用 Windows 设置来卸载 OpenSSH:To uninstall OpenSSH using Windows Settings:

Openssh Default Password

  1. 打开“设置”,然后转到“应用”>“应用和功能” 。Open Settings, then go to Apps > Apps & Features.
  2. 转到“可选功能”。Go to Optional Features.
  3. 在列表中,选择“OpenSSH 客户端”或“OpenSSH 服务器” 。In the list, select OpenSSH Client or OpenSSH Server.
  4. 选择“卸载”。Select Uninstall.

使用 PowerShell 卸载 OpenSSHUninstall OpenSSH using PowerShell

若要使用 PowerShell 卸载 OpenSSH 组件,请使用以下命令:To uninstall the OpenSSH components using PowerShell, use the following commands:

如果在卸载时服务正在使用中,稍后可能需要重启 Windows。You may need to restart Windows afterwards if the service was in use at the time it was uninstalled.