
This compendium includes significant criminal cases by the U.S. Supreme Court & N.C. Appellate courts, Nov. Selected 4th Circuit cases also are included. Jessica Smith prepared case summaries Nov. 2008-June 4, 2019; later summaries are prepared by other School staff. Compendium’s products are carried by a wide variety of specialty and gift retailers across the U.S. We take pride in creating meaningful partnerships with store owners through seasonal and theme-based promotions, excellent service, and products that inspire retailers and customers alike.

  1. Compendium Of The Catechism Of The Catholic Church

Compendium’s products are carried by a wide variety of specialty and gift retailers across the U.S. We take pride in creating meaningful partnerships with store owners through seasonal and theme-based promotions, excellent service, and products that inspire retailers and customers alike. Biped steam. Brew postgresql.


Welcome to the new Tap Titans 2 Compendium website! Our goal is to gather all optimized builds and the useful tools into a single source of truth for all players.
If you want to use/export anything you can find on the 'Tap Titans 2 Compendium' for a side project, please contact the compendium team first. All materials, artworks and icons used are copyrighted. Don't steal, download, copy or share them.
You can discuss the compendium in the DarkBot & Compendium Discord.

    Want to submit:
  • a new build
  • a build update
  • a guide
  • an optimizer
  • a resource
    You just need to contact one of the Compendium Editor on discord!
  • DreamXZE#1912 a.k.a DreamXZE
  • Taco#1313 a.k.a Taco
  • RotoR#9713 a.k.a RotoR
  • Mmlh#9998 a.k.a Mmlh
  • Velina#3958 a.k.a Velina
  • Kwimbob#0363 a.k.a Kwimbob
  • Zen00#3444 a.k.a Zen
    Here you can find some links to nice places!
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Engineered for bodies of work

Making your Icompendium site should feel like making a list. Lists are easy. They help you think clearly and see the big picture. This is the design philosophy behind Icompendium — to provide a focused website solution for artists who want to catalog their work simply and clearly. Display bodies of work, exhibits, personal and contextual information over time — as simple as making a list.
An artist's studio practice is ongoing. You create new work, capture reproductions, write statements, show your work and build a bibliography. Maintaining and sharing this content should feel like a natural process, and reflect how you think about your art in context. New shows, bodies of work and announcements should be easy additions to your site, and reorganizing as easy as dragging and dropping.
Presenting your work digitally and physically can include similar challenges. How much space does your work need? How do the pieces inform each other? Can the viewer experience time, surface, and detail? Icompendium provides gallery options to address your needs. It includes over 20 prebuilt, but refinable, layouts. You can fine tune how images are enlarged, zoomed, or presented in relationship to others. You can also include artwork details, video and sound within the galleries.

Compendium Of The Catechism Of The Catholic Church

Icompendium lets you enter detailed data about your work into art-specific searchable fields such as title, medium, year, description and more. These fields can be set to appear as you wish, or kept internally searchable. You can even create new searchable fields and tags. Do you want to pull up all the information on that summer group show in 2016? Search by a tag such as 'Summer group show 2016' and pull up the associated artwork, notes, blog posts and bibliography entries.